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Fair Shake Brochure & Flyers

Print and share the Fair Shake flyers!

The brochures have been removed temporarily for updating.  Below you’ll find the flyers that I send to everyone who requests information.  Feel free to print and share!

Fair Shake Flyers

These are the first 6 pages (3 pages when printed on both sides) of information that I send to every incarcerated person who writes to Fair Shake. I then add 4 pages of state and national resources (below) so I send one full ounce – or one stamp’s worth – of information.

Basic Flyers

FUN FACT: Many of the envelopes and stamps that we send out at Fair Shake have been donated by incarcerated people.  These generous donors are reaching other incarcerated people, that they will never meet, to support them in their journey back to society.  Quite prosocial!

I’ve included a few other documents that are frequently requested…but you can be creative and add Newsletters and / or Resources or pages from the Ownership Manual!

National Resources

Fair Shake national resources

(2 pages/ 1 piece of paper)  Note: Most of the state flyers include at least one of the two pages of national resources.


Other Frequently-Requested Documents

Write Your Business Plan

Free Books Programs