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Start A Business!

There are many approaches to earning income!  

Start A Business

It’s not easy, but for the creative, courageous and tenacious, it’s often the right thing to do.  Here are a few documents and links to help you get started.

From the Small Business Administration

Business Plan Template

Start A Business!

SBA Microloans  

From the Consumer Information Center:

Planning and Goal Setting for A Small Business

Minding Your Own Business

How to Write a Business Plan

From the Fair Shake Ownership Manual

Self Employment

GIGS: Single or multiple day opportunities

For an interesting temp option, you can check out the Craigslist in your area under ‘Gigs’.  You’ll find opportunities that include moving furniture, doing yard work for a few hours, car dismantling, CDL temporary jobs,  staff for weekend events, handyperson, cleaning, carpentry, welding, electrical, plumbing, painting, brand ambassadors (reps) and much more.  Many of these gigs have opportunities that can turn into jobs.

warningIMGKeep the author’s intent in mind when searching on Craig’s list. Beware that some listings are quite sketchy…

